Marching Cubes Made Physical and Tangible Publication Record
Jackson, Jesse, and Luke Stern. “Pixels in the Material World: Making Marching Cubes.” In Proceedings of the 26th Annual Symposium on Electronic Art. Montreal: ISEA, 2020. Conference proceedings. Forthcoming.
Jesse, and Luke Stern. “Marching Cubes Made Physical.” In Recalibration: On Imprecision and Infidelty: Projects Catalog of the
38th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in
Architecture, edited by Philip Anzalone, Marcella Del Signore, and Andrew
John Wit. Mexico City: ACADIA, 2018. 234 – 239. Exhibition catalog.
Jesse. “Marching Cubes Made Tangible.” In the Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Tangible,
Embedded and Embodied Interactions. Stockholm: Association for Computing Machinery,
2018. 592 – 597. Conference proceedings.
Jesse. “Speculative Prototyping: Making Plastic Printing Playful and
Sustainable.” In The 3D Additivist
Cookbook, edited by Morehshin Allahyari and Daniel Rourke.
Chapter. Amsterdam: Institute of Network Cultures, 2016. 51 – 53. Chapter.
Jesse, and Luke Stern. “Fabricating Sustainable Concrete Elements: A Physical
Instantiation of the Marching Cubes Algorithm.” In Synthetic Digital Ecologies: Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference
of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture, edited by
Mark Cabrinha, Jason Johnson, and Kyle Steinfeld. San Francisco: ACADIA, 2012.
239 – 247. Conference proceedings.
Jesse and Luke Stern. “Automatic/Revisited: Fabricating Sustainable Concrete
Elements.” In Crisis as Catalyst:
Architecture, Landscape, and Design Annual 2008 – 2009, edited by Nelson
Cheng, Ya’el Santopinto, and Shannon Wiley. Toronto: University of Toronto,
2010. 26 – 27. Article.
Jackson, Jesse and Luke Stern. “Automatic/Revisited: Fabricating Sustainable Concrete Elements.” In MAS Context: University Works, edited by Iker Gil and Andrew Clark. Chicago: MAS Studio, 2010. 138 – 141. Visual essay.
Marching Cubes Made Physical and Tangible Exhibition History
Word and Image in Dialogue. Laguna Art Museum, Laguna
Beach, January – February, 2020. Installation.
Multiple Contingencies. Open Gallery, OCAD University,
Toronto, November 15 – 18, 2018. Part of the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Society
for Literature, Science, and the Arts. Interactive
Beyond Convergence. Stockholm Kulturhuset,
Stockholm, March 20, 2018. Part of Twelfth International Conference on
Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interactions. Interactive performance.
Marching Cubes 1728. Experimental Media Performance
Lab, Irvine, January 7 – 9, 2019. Interactive performance.
Marching Cubes Assembly #28
(Gravity-Inflected Spherical Void). Platform 28 for Art & Architecture, Tehran. May 19 –
Jun 9, 2017. Installation.
Marching Cubes: Boris. Patkau
Project Space, Vancouver, April 8 – 10, 2017. Interactive performance.
Marching Cubes Assembly #18
(Untitled). Arts
Brookfield Grace Building, New York, January 17 – March 10, 2017. Installation.
Marching Cubes. Pari Nadimi Gallery, Toronto,
November 17, 2016 – January 14, 2017. Installation.
Marching Cubes. Experimental Media Performance
Lab, Irvine, October 20 – 22, 2016. Interactive performance.
Automatic/Revisited. Latitude 44 Gallery, Toronto,
January 18 – February 28, 2013. Part of Toronto Design Offsite 2013.
Automatic. Larry Wayne Richards Gallery, Toronto, January 12 – 23, 2009.